What you find out from the test
Ideal macronutrient distribution
What type of nutrition can be most effective for weight loss based on the distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
Friendly foods and foods to avoid
Which foods are advisable to favor and which foods are advisable to avoid, in order to counteract genetic predispositions to specific pathologies?
Ideal composition of meals
In what specific order to consume different foods within the meal; what distribution of your daily calorie intake between the different meals
Kitchen tricks
What tricks to use in the kitchen when preparing meals
Which nutritional supplement plan could optimize your nutrition or prevention program (for example to address nutritional deficiencies)
Accident prevention
What precautions will be useful to counteract any predisposition to injuries?
Type of physical activity
What type of physical activity should you favor, given your genetic profile (e.g., endurance or power)?
Recovery times
What recovery times are recommended for you between workouts?
Additional tests
What additional tests are advisable in light of the genetic predispositions that have emerged?
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