Prenditi cura di te partendo dal tuo DNA
Ottimizza la tua salute con esami di check-up, piani di nutrizione e prevenzione personalizzati, direttamente da casa tua
Where to start?
Once you have taken the tests, you will receive monthly support from our professionals, who will help you interpret your data, measure your progress and achieve the results you want.
Single purchase
DNA Test Complete
70+ Page Report of Your DNA
Genetic Map 250+ Foods
Genetic intolerances
Metabolism and Optimal Diet
Disease predispositions
Sports, muscle and bone health
Skin-aging, sleep health and stress
Membership 6 months - Coming soon 🔥
Health Plan
€349 (oppure €65 / mese)
DNA Test Complete (included)
Nutrition Plan (included)
Blood tests (40+ markers )
Video consultation with doctor on analysis results
Marker Monitoring Dashboard
Additional check-ups recommended
Tailor-made supplements
Membership 3 months
Nutrition Plan
€399 (oppure €75 / mese)
DNA Test Complete (included)
DNA based food plan
Dedicated nutritionist (3 consultations)
Monthly Plan Update
Recommended supplements
Personalized healthy habits
Video consultation with doctor
1500+ satisfied customers
Find out how Holifya has helped countless people like you take control of their health.
Getting started is super easy
Get the most out of your data
The Holifya Method
Guided by science, always
Technology developed by our board of expert doctors and researchers, with 200+ publications
Giulia P.
Find out why Giulia took a Holifya DNA test