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Stomach Pain: 3 Foods to Avoid

Abdominal pain is a very common ailment that can affect people of all ages. The feeling of discomfort that the pain causes can range from a mild discomfort to a sharp and debilitating pain. Many...

dna completoalimenti funzionali

Functional Foods: Here Are the 4 Best to Eat

Have you ever heard of functional foods and do you want to find out what their impact is on our body? I bet you are curious to find out how these simple ingredients can transform not only the tast...

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Abdominal bloating? How to get a flat stomach

Abdominal bloating is a discomfort that many of us have experienced at least once in our lives. That irritating feeling of distension and fullness can really ruin our day. Consequently, this aff...

dna intolleranzasensibilità all'istamina

Histamine Sensitivity: What to Look Out For

Histamine sensitivity is a disorder that is becoming increasingly common, but is often overlooked or confused with other conditions. In this article, we will explore in detail what histamine s...