gastrite sintomi
dna completo

Gastritis Symptoms: 5 Foods to Avoid

Did you search for " gastritis symptoms " because you want to know more? In this article we tell you about 5 foods to avoid. Gastritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the stomach...

dnadieta per aumentare massa muscolare

Diet to gain muscle mass: here are 4 steps

Are you looking for a diet to increase muscle mass ? In this article we will give you some practical advice to start your diet. Increasing muscle mass is a common goal for many, both for aestheti...

dna completoprevenzione primaria

Primary Prevention Strategies: What You Should Know

Primary prevention is the first and most important level of defense against disease and chronic conditions. It focuses on measures taken to prevent the onset of disease by promoting health and redu...

dnacibi contro il reflusso

Foods against reflux: here are the best ones

Have you ever wondered what foods fight reflux ? Gastroesophageal reflux is a fairly common condition that causes a distinct burning sensation in the lower chest, also known as heartburn.  Thi...

dna completodieta in menopausa

Menopause Diet: Tips and Strategies for Optimal Health

Do you want to follow a menopause diet ? Menopause is a phase in every woman's life characterized by significant hormonal changes, which can affect metabolism, body weight and overall health.  ...

La carnitina per dimagrire

Carnitine for weight loss: here's everything you need to know

Have you ever heard of carnitine for weight loss ? Nowadays, the desire to lose weight is widespread among many people, both for aesthetic and health reasons. In this context, therefore, carniti...